Hyperconvergence for artificial intelligence, benefits and applications

15 Dec 2023 | Hyperconvergence

Artificial intelligence has the potential to transform the way companies operate. However, to fully exploit the potential of AI, enterprises need a powerful and scalable IT infrastructure.


To fully exploit the potential of AI, companies need a powerful and scalable IT infrastructure: Hyperconvergence for artificial intelligence is one technology that can help companies meet these needs.

Hyperconvergence integrates computing, storage and networking resourcesinto a single system. This enables companies to simplify IT infrastructure management, reduce costs and improve performance.


Benefits of hyperconvergence for artificial intelligence

Hyperconvergence offers several advantages for artificial intelligence, including:

  • Ease of management: hyperconvergence allows all IT resources to be managed from a single console. This simplifies configuration, provisioning and maintenance tasks, reducing the workload of IT staff.
  • Cost reduction: hyperconvergence reduces the cost of purchasing, operating and maintaining IT resources. This is possible because of the greater efficiency of the hyperconverged system, which allows resources to be used more efficiently.
  • Performance improvement: hyperconvergence can improve IT infrastructure performance by reducing latency and improving scalability. This is possible because of the increased integration of resources, which makes the most of the performance of each component.


Applications of hyperconvergence for artificial intelligence

Hyperconvergence can be used for a wide range of artificial intelligence applications, including:

  • Machine learning: Machine learning is a discipline of artificial intelligence that enables systems to learn from data without being explicitly programmed.
  • Computer vision: Computer vision is a discipline of artificial intelligence that enables systems to process and interpret images. Hyperconvergence can be used to accelerate computer vision processes because of the increased processing power and scalable storage that hyperconvergence provides.
  • Natural language processing: Natural language processing is a discipline of artificial intelligence that enables systems to understand and generate human language.


Appliance-based hyperconvergence

Appliance-based hyperconvergence is the simplest and most cost-effective solution. It is ideal for companies that want a ready-to-use and easy-to-manage solution. The advantages of appliance-based hyperconvergence are:

  • Ease of deployment: the appliance is preconfigured and preinstalled, so it can be deployed quickly and easily.
  • Reduced costs: the appliance is an integrated system, so purchase, operation and maintenance costs are reduced.
    Disaggregated hyperconvergence

Disaggregated hyperconvergence

Unbundled hyperconvergence offers greater flexibility and scalability. It is ideal for companies that want to customize their hyperconverged solution or need a scalable solution to meet future needs. The advantages of unbundled hyperconvergence are:

  • Flexibility: hardware components can be customized to the company’s specific needs.
  • Scalability: the solution can be scaled up according to future needs.


Other types of hyperconvergence

In addition to the two main types, there are also other types of hyperconvergence, including:

  • Hyperconvergence for the cloud: this type of hyperconvergence is designed to create a private or hybrid cloud.
  • Hyperconvergence for business applications: this type of hyperconvergence is designed to support specific applications, such as CRM, ERP, or big data.

Hyperconvergence is an ideal technology for companies that want to take full advantage of the potential of artificial intelligence.

Hyperconvergence offers several advantages for AI, including ease of management, cost reduction, andperformance improvement.

OpenStor hyperconvergence systems

OpenStor XXXX


The HA Metro Cluster hyperconvergence system consists of 2 OpenStor Storage Servers interconnected via a high-speed, low-latency 40GbE LAN card. VMware ESXi and Open-E JovianDSS are present on both.

OpenStor XXXX


The HA Metro Cluster hyperconvergence system consists of 2 OpenStor Storage Servers, with Full NVMe technology , interconnectedvia high-speed, low-latency 40GbE LAN card. VMware ESXi and Open-E JovianDSS are present on both.

OpenStor 2910


The Openstor 2910 hyperconvergence (HCI ) system powered by Huawei combines Server, Storage, Networking, and Virtualization, in just 4 Rack units and can be expanded on demand based on business growth.